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Animations from 1st principles Part 1

Updated: at 05:09 PM (6 min read)

Getting started

Start a server from python for web illustration

python -m http.server 8000

I am trying to reproduce all the samples of coding math from this youtube channel. Do checkout his videos for its web implementation.

My web repository for the same

Welcome to Part ONE of this series

Task 1 - lets draw lines in canvas randomly

Something like this


fun BasicLineDraws() {
    val numberOfLines by remember {
    Canvas(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), onDraw = {
        val canvasWidth = size.width
        val canvasHeight = size.height

        for(i in 1..numberOfLines){
            val startOffsetX = Random.nextFloat()*canvasWidth
            val startOffsetY = Random.nextFloat()*canvasHeight

            val endOffsetX = Random.nextFloat()*canvasWidth
            val endOffsetY = Random.nextFloat()*canvasHeight

                start = Offset(
                    x = startOffsetX,
                    y = startOffsetY,
                end = Offset(
                    x = endOffsetX,
                    y = endOffsetY,
                color = Color.Black,
                strokeWidth = 5.dp.toPx(),

For Android we have


Task 2 - Draw a sin Wave

Something like this. We can create bounce effect on basis of sin wave, object shrink and grow animation, all this is possible because sin value is continuous and between -1 and 1 and it repeats itself infinitely. So we can use this property in lots of places. Image

How do you create wave like this?


The starting code is this but the result would be like

fun SimpleSinWave() {
    Canvas(modifier = Modifier
        onDraw = {
            val canvasHeight = size.height * 0.3

            val sinStartY = canvasHeight / 2
            var startAngle = 0.0f
            val finalAngle = (2 * Math.PI).toFloat()
            while (startAngle < finalAngle) {
                val pointX = startAngle * 100
                // add vertical offset
                val pointY = sin(startAngle.toDouble()) * 100 + sinStartY
                    color = Color.Black,
                    radius = 5f,
                    center = Offset(
                        x = pointX,
                        y = pointY.toFloat(),
                startAngle += 0.01f


WHY is it so?

because according to mobile cartesian system y axis is positive when we go down, and -ve when we go up, as compared to maths cartesian system which is inverse (+ve as we go up, and -ve as we go down)

==So that is why graph is flipped around X axis.==

How to fix it??


Yes and its done


fun SimpleSinWave() {
    Canvas(modifier = Modifier
        onDraw = {
            val canvasHeight = size.height * 0.3

            val sinStartY = canvasHeight / 2
            var startAngle = Math.PI
            val finalAngle = (3 * Math.PI).toFloat()
            while (startAngle < finalAngle) {
                val pointX = startAngle * 100
                // add vertical offset
                val pointY = sin(startAngle) * 100 + sinStartY
                    color = Color.Black,
                    radius = 5f,
                    center = Offset(
                        x = pointX.toFloat(),
                        y = pointY.toFloat(),
                startAngle += 0.01f

Another approach

There has to be a better way of creating sin curve or curves in android, rather than drawing 1000’s points.

Can Bezier curve help?

Try it out??

Divide sin wave into 2 bezier curves, such that it pivots at 0


    modifier = Modifier
            all = 40.dp,
    onDraw = {
        val canvasHeight = size.height
        val canvasWidth = size.width

        Log.d(TAG, "SimpleSinWave: width -> $canvasWidth and height -> $canvasHeight")

        val path = Path()

        // first half
        path.moveTo(0f, (canvasHeight * 0.5f))
            canvasWidth * 0.25f,
            canvasWidth * 0.5f,
            canvasHeight * 0.5f,

        path.moveTo(canvasWidth * 0.5f, (canvasHeight * 0.5f))
        // second half
            canvasWidth * 0.75f,
            canvasHeight * 0.5f,

            path = path,
            color = Color.Black,
            style = Stroke(
                width = 1.dp.toPx(),

Task 3 - Bounce animation

In web ![[bounce]]

In web it is done using something like this,

var centerY = height * 0.5,
  centerX = width * 0.5,
  offset = height * 0.4,
  speed = 0.1,
  angle = 0;



* this function will bounce the ball


function bounceAnimation() {
  let y = centerY + Math.sin(angle) * offset;

  // clear canvas

  context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);


  // create circle

  context.arc(centerX, y, 50, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);


  angle += speed;


requestAnimationFrame tells browser that we want animation, and hence it calls this callback depending upon machine’s refresh rate which is 60FPS or 60Hz. Docs

Similar can be achieved in android, but that would be ==non performant==, so let’s do something from compose APIs to create the same effect.

fun Dp.dpToPx() = with(LocalDensity.current) { this@dpToPx.toPx() }

fun BouncingBall(){
    BoxWithConstraints(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()){
        val infiniteTransition = rememberInfiniteTransition("bouncing effect")

        val ballRadius = 40.dp

        val width = maxWidth.dpToPx()
        val height = maxHeight.dpToPx() - (ballRadius*2).dpToPx()
        val ballRadiusInPx = ballRadius.dpToPx()

        val offset by infiniteTransition.animateFloat(
            targetValue = height,
            initialValue = 0f,
            label = "animate-offset",
            animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable(
                animation = tween(
                    durationMillis = 3_000,
                    easing = LinearEasing,
                repeatMode = RepeatMode.Reverse,
            modifier = Modifier
                .size(ballRadius * 2)
                .offset {
                        x = ((width * 0.5f).toInt() - ballRadiusInPx).toInt(),
                        y = offset.toInt(),
                    color = Color.Black,


Well, well, and well, Grab a coffee and play around with different ease in Effects

In compose chaining does matter, change the changing order in Black box, like put offset to last, you would see that box never moves, actually its moving

We did following things

Task 4 - Circular motion

We would be using the following diagram to create effect like this



Now with extra offset added, we would have motion starting from center right.

Full code here

Task 5 - Object in circular path

Well this one was tricky, and had to do some sort of mirroring across the y axis to achieve the results



Full code here

Task 6 - Elliptical Path

Motion in Elliptical Path, just a change in circular path.

Full code here

Task 7 - Pointer pointing to you



Full code here


The Repository for all code is here