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SQL database Isolation and Concurrency

Updated: at 02:26 PM (7 min read)

Starting the project

mkdir db-acid
cd db-acid
go mod init dalakoti07/sd/db-acid
go mod tidy

Create Table


INSERT INTO accounts (name, balance) VALUES ('SAURABH',0);

INSERT INTO accounts (name, balance) VALUES ('NITIN',100);

Simulate transaction and see db isolation out of the box

After connecting to the database, lets open 2 terminals and see how db transactions are in isolation by default.


UPDATE accounts SET BALANCE = 50 where name = 'SAURABH';

UPDATE accounts SET BALANCE = 50 where name = 'NITIN';

Now, if we see in other terminal with command as select * from accounts; we get

id |  name   | balance 
  2 | SAURABH |       0
  3 | NITIN   |     100

which implies that transaction is in isolation by default

Code Simulation for Isolation

The baseline - sequential code

Lets write a simple go program which simulates a simple bank, money coming and going to a particular account

// transferMoney transfers a specified amount from one account to another within a single transactionfunc transferMoney(db *sql.DB, fromAccount string, toAccount string, amount float64) error {
   // Begin a transaction
   tx, err := db.Begin()
   if err != nil {
      return err
   defer func() {
      if err != nil {
      } else {
         err = tx.Commit()

   // Step 1: Deduct amount from the source account
   _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - $1 WHERE name = $2", amount, fromAccount)
   if err != nil {
      return err

   // Step 2: Add amount to the destination account
   _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + $1 WHERE name = $2", amount, toAccount)
   if err != nil {
      return err

   return nil

func TestAccountTransfers(t *testing.T) {
   db, err := setupDB()
   if err != nil {
      t.Fatalf("Failed to connect to the database: %v", err)
   defer db.Close()

   // Delete table if it exists
   _, err = db.Exec(`DROP TABLE IF EXISTS accounts`)
   if err != nil {
      t.Fatalf("Failed to drop table: %v", err)

   // Create the table
   _, err = db.Exec(`
   CREATE TABLE accounts (      id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,      name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,      balance NUMERIC NOT NULL   )`)
   if err != nil {
      t.Fatalf("Failed to create table: %v", err)

   // Insert SAURABH account
   _, err = db.Exec(`INSERT INTO accounts (name, balance) VALUES ($1, $2)`, "SAURABH", 0)
   if err != nil {
      t.Fatalf("Failed to insert SAURABH account: %v", err)

   // create 100 accounts
   for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
      _, err := db.Exec(`INSERT INTO accounts (name, balance) VALUES ($1, $2)`, "Account"+fmt.Sprintf("-%d", i), 100)
      if err != nil {
         t.Fatalf("Failed to create account %d: %v", i, err)

   // transfer money from 100 accounts to SAURABH account
   for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
      err = transferMoney(db, "Account"+fmt.Sprintf("-%d", i), "SAURABH", 100)
      if err != nil {
         fmt.Printf("error in transferring amount from %s to Saurabh", "Account"+fmt.Sprintf("-%d", i))

   if err != nil {
      t.Fatalf("Failed to commit transaction: %v", err)

   // Validate the results
   row := db.QueryRow(`SELECT balance FROM accounts WHERE name = $1`, "SAURABH")
   var balance float64
   err = row.Scan(&balance)
   if err != nil {
      t.Fatalf("Failed to query SAURABH balance: %v", err)

   assert.Equal(t, 10_000.0, balance, "Balance of SAURABH should be 1000")

The real world scenario

The issue with above implementation was that it was sequential, it was not concurrent, and as a wise man said, the world is concurrent not sequential. So lets simulate concurrent stuff.

// create TotalAccounts accounts
for i := 0; i < TotalAccounts; i++ {
   _, err := db.Exec(`INSERT INTO accounts (name, balance) VALUES ($1, $2)`, "Account"+fmt.Sprintf("-%d", i), 100)
   if err != nil {
      t.Fatalf("Failed to create account %d: %v", i, err)

// use goroutine
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// transfer money from TotalAccounts accounts to SAURABH account
for i := 0; i < TotalAccounts; i++ {
   go func(i int) {
      defer wg.Done()
      err = transferMoney(db, "Account"+fmt.Sprintf("-%d", i), "SAURABH", 100)
      if err != nil {
         fmt.Printf("%s error in transferring amount from %s to Saurabh\n", err.Error(), "Account"+fmt.Sprintf("-%d", i))
if err != nil {
   t.Fatalf("Failed to commit transaction: %v", err)
println("All transfer done")

It would work fine, on 100 go-routines, but on 1000 go-routines it would give read tcp> read: connection reset by peer and write tcp> write: broken pipe

                Error Trace:    /Users/saurabhdalakoti/IdeaProjects/low-level-designs/db-acid/too_much_money_test.go:123
                Error:          Not equal:
                                expected: 100000
                                actual  : 83000
                Test:           TestAccountTransfers
                Messages:       Balance of SAURABH should be 1000
--- FAIL: TestAccountTransfers (0.69s)

Increasing the concurrent connection in postgres

// Configure connection pool
db.SetMaxOpenConns(100) // Adjust according to your needs
db.SetConnMaxLifetime(30 * time.Minute) // Adjust according to your needs
SHOW config_file;

make an entry that says

max_connections = 2000  # Adjust this number based on your requirements`

that also did not worked same error, and test suit failed

write tcp [::1]:60300->[::1]:5432: write: broken pipe error in transferring amount from Account-946 to Saurabh
read tcp [::1]:60310->[::1]:5432: read: connection reset by peer error in transferring amount from Account-298 to Saurabh
dial tcp [::1]:5432: connect: connection reset by peer error in transferring amount from Account-974 to Saurabh
dial tcp [::1]:5432: connect: connection reset by peer error in transferring amount from Account-506 to Saurabh
dial tcp [::1]:5432: connect: connection reset by peer error in transferring amount from Account-476 to Saurabh
dial tcp [::1]:5432: connect: connection reset by peer error in transferring amount from Account-545 to Saurabh
All transfer done
                Error Trace:    /Users/saurabhdalakoti/IdeaProjects/low-level-designs/db-acid/too_much_money_test.go:131
                Error:          Not equal:
                                expected: 100000
                                actual  : 65400
                Test:           TestAccountTransfers
                Messages:       Balance of SAURABH should be 1000
--- FAIL: TestAccountTransfers (1.10s)


Solve with Locking and mutex

Since we want to limit db access to only a few coroutines not to 1000 at a time, hence a locking mechanism would be better.

var mutex sync.Mutex

// transferMoney transfers a specified amount from one account to another within a single transaction

func transferMoney(db *sql.DB, fromAccount string, toAccount string, amount float64) error {
   defer mutex.Unlock()


Summarising it up

Yes, the example provided demonstrates how to use transactions in Go with PostgreSQL, which ensures ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties. Here’s a brief overview of how the example addresses ACID principles:

1. Atomicity

The code ensures atomicity by using transactions. Each transferMoney function call starts a transaction with tx, err := db.Begin(). Within this transaction:

This ensures that either both the debit and credit operations are completed, or neither is.

2. Consistency

Consistency is maintained by performing both debit and credit operations within the same transaction. This ensures that the database remains in a consistent state, with the total amount of money correctly accounted for before and after the transaction.

3. Isolation

Isolation is achieved because each transaction is isolated from others until it is committed. PostgreSQL’s default isolation level is Read Committed, which means:

In your case, each transferMoney call operates within its transaction, ensuring that concurrent operations are handled without interfering with each other. However, for more rigorous isolation, you can configure the isolation level explicitly if needed:


4. Durability

Durability ensures that once a transaction is committed, it will persist even in the event of a system crash. PostgreSQL handles this automatically by ensuring that changes are written to disk.

Does this locking affect read queries?

No, it does not affect the read access, as the lock is on different CS function

func readBalanceOfSaurabh(db *sql.DB, t *testing.T) {
   start := time.Now()
   row := db.QueryRow(`SELECT balance FROM accounts WHERE name = $1`, "SAURABH")
   var balance float64
   err := row.Scan(&balance)
   if err != nil {
      t.Fatalf("Failed to query SAURABH balance: %v", err)
   elapsed := time.Since(start)
   fmt.Printf("Read SAURABH's account balance %v and in time %v\n", balance, elapsed)

func testFunction(){
	// ...
	readBalanceOfSaurabh(db, t)
	// ....
=== RUN   TestAccountTransfers
Read SAURABH's account balance 800 and in time 3.812625ms
All transfer done
--- PASS: TestAccountTransfers (0.43s)
ok      dalakoti07/sd/db-acid   0.647s


Lets see thing changes when Transaction Isolation is made Serialisable how does it affect things


Nothing happened in this case, the metric time to run SERIALIZABLE test case was similar to that of READ COMMITTED